“Culture, Cuiture et Chansons” Louisiana French Language Activities

“Culture, Cuiture et Chansons” Louisiana French Language Activities
Anonymous (not verified)

Culture, Cuiture (cooking) et Chansons (songs) is the theme of this FREE Louisiana French language event! All levels of French language learners are welcome to attend this fun, hands-on activities day. With support for speaking local Cajun and Creole French phrases, participants will tour cultural exhibits in the Prairie Cultural Center museum, prepare their lunch meal in the cooking classroom, and sing traditional Cajun and Creole French songs in the workshop area — tout en français de Louisiane! Activities will be conducted primarily in Louisiana French language by experienced local educators and cultural ambassadors. Lunch is provided and attendance is limited so RSVP is requested. À bientôt!

Event Date



This article: "Culture, Cuiture et Chansons" Louisiana French Language Activities has been curated from our friends at Explore Lousiana and the original in it's entirety can be found here: https://www.explorelouisiana.com/events/culinary-events/culture-cuiture-et-chansons-louisiana-french-language-activities

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