Did You Know You Can Visit 5 Waterfalls in One Day in West Virginia?

Nothing completes a West Virginia road trip like checking off waterfalls on the West Virginia Waterfall Trail. Whether you’re looking to earn your first prize or need a few more check-ins to earn your next one, slices of Almost Heaven surrounding the New River Gorge National Park and Preserve are rich in waterfalls to explore.

Check off and enjoy these five waterfalls for an unforgettable day in the Mountain State.

Kanawha Falls

Kanawha Falls

Glen Ferris, West Virginia

If you’re traveling from Charleston along Route 60, Kanawha Falls is a great place to start. Just below the junction of the New and Gauley Rivers, Kanawha Falls stretches out all the way across the Kanawha River, creating an impressive sight. Parking is located just off of Route 60 with a brief walkway leading you closer to the falls.
Cathedral Falls

Cathedral Falls

Gauley Bridge, West Virginia

Just a 5-minute drive away from Kanawha Falls along Route 60, Cathedral Falls is one of the tallest and most scenic waterfalls in Almost Heaven. At 60 feet tall, Cathedral Falls plunges over jagged sandstone and shale cliffs. Cathedral Falls is both beautiful and easy to access with parking near the falls and across the road.
Grist Mill Falls, Babcock State Park

Glade Creek Grist Mill Falls

Clifftop, West Virginia

Beneath the historic grist mill at Babcock State Park, water rushes to form the Glade Creek Grist Mill Falls. This is one of the most photographed spots in West Virginia, and you’ll see why once get a closer look from the stone path.

While you’re here, get a picture taken on the #AlmostHeaven swing!

Sandstone Falls

Sandstone Falls

Sandstone, West Virginia

Found in the New River Gorge National Park & Preserve, Sandstone Falls is one of the largest waterfalls in the area. Sandstone Falls spans over 1,500 feet in width and is divided by small islands. Walk along the ADA-accessible boardwalk to view these stunning and scenic cascades.
Big Branch Falls

Big Branch Falls

Hinton, West Virginia

Big Branch Falls is another gem tucked away in the New River Gorge National Park & Preserve. It flows through a dense canopy of green and blanketed wildflower forest, showcasing an 8-foot drop that spans out across bedrock. Begin walking at the Brooks Falls parking area before crossing the road to see the start of the Big Branch Trail, which will take you on a 2-mile loop, passing by the falls.

Have another waterfall visit in you? Plan where to go next with help from our FREE West Virginia Vacation Guide and learn more!

Go Waterfall Chasing

Fill Your Day with #AlmostHeaven Waterfalls

The post Did You Know You Can Visit 5 Waterfalls in One Day in West Virginia? appeared first on Almost Heaven – West Virginia.

This article: Did You Know You Can Visit 5 Waterfalls in One Day in West Virginia? has been curated from our friends at Visit West Virginia and the original in it's entirety can be found here: https://wvtourism.com/did-you-know-you-can-visit-5-waterfalls-in-one-day-in-west-virginia/

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