Don’t Miss this Summer’s Tour de Coal

Craving a day on the water? Cool off on the water with a one-of-a-kind float trip on the Coal River. The Tour de Coal is an annual event organized by the Coal River Group with the goal of revitalizing the Coal Rivers and their communities. This annual flatwater float trip has grown into one of the nation’s largest and attracts thousands of paddlers from dozens of states to the area. Register for this summer’s Tour de Coal and experience a relaxing day on the beautiful Coal River at one of West Virginia’s most iconic events.

This year’s Tour de Coal will take place on Saturday, June 17, 2023, and will begin in Tornado, WV, at 9:00 am and end after a 12-mile float in Saint Albans, WV, around 6:00 pm. Registration for this event is $30 (a charitable donation to the Coal River Group) and includes a t-shirt. For extra convenience on the day of, the Coal River Group allows kayak drop-offs on Friday, June 16, from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm for an additional $5. There is also a shuttle service that begins Saturday morning at 7:00 am that will run participants from Saint Albans to Meadowood Park, where the event will begin.

Explore The Festival

While planning your trip to the Coal River, make sure to allot some time to enjoy Yak Fest. This is a simultaneous event coordinated between the City of Saint Albans and the Coal River Group that features live music, art, food and craft beer vendors and all things kayaking related. Festivities begin Friday, June 16, at 4:00 pm and run through Saturday evening. This year’s entertainment lineup includes Buddy Allen and the Cheat River Band, Bucky Covington, the Davisson Brothers Band and many more local favorites.

Extend Your Day

While in the area for the Tour de Coal and Yak Fest, don’t miss out on what else the Metro Valley has to offer!

Hip and historic Charleston, West Virginia’s state capital, is home to a thriving cultural and entertainment scene and is a great day trip destination. Craving an award-winning bite to eat? Find out what makes Charleston a true dining destination.

Putnam County is just a short drive from the Tour de Coal headquarters in Saint Albans and also offers visitors several great dining options if you’re hungry after a long day on the river. Or add another day of adventure to your getaway by checking out some of the state’s best mountain biking at Meeks Mountain Trails.

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The post Don’t Miss this Summer’s Tour de Coal appeared first on Almost Heaven – West Virginia.

This article: Don’t Miss this Summer’s Tour de Coal has been curated from our friends at Visit West Virginia and the original in it's entirety can be found here:

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