GALA Choruses Festival 2024

GALA Choruses Festival 2024
Anonymous (not verified)
Sun, 06/09/2024 – 10:25

GALA Choruses Festival 2024 is the world’s largest LGBTQ+ choir, singing event. This year it will be celebrated in Minneapolis July 10–14. Festival 2024 gathers 7000 singers and 122 choruses for five days, featuring performances from GALA member choirs from the United States, Canada, and Mexico alongside performances from choirs from as far as China, Estonia, Finland, Ukraine, and Taiwan. Typically held every 4 years, Festival 2024 marks a historic 8-year-gap since the last such gathering, because of the COVID-19 pandemic. During that time our choirs and our movement have grown making this the largest GALA Festival ever.

Here are five ways that local choral fans can get involved in Festival’s 200+ events with 7,000 singers. Check out the Festival Schedule.

Ticket Sales

Sing in a Festival Chorus!
There is still space to join one of the mass choruses along with singers from across the world. In order to join a Festival Chorus you need to first register as a Festival Delegate.

Free Events!

  • July 10, Minnesota Mosaic—Concerts from 12pm–10 PM in Peavey Plaza.
  • July 11, Outdoor Peavey Plaza Stage from 7:00 – 10:00 PM
  • July 12, Choral Carnival—Rotating 45-60 minute concerts and events across the Festival Village from 7:00 – 10:00 PM
  • July 13, Outdoor Peavey Plaza Stage from 7:00 – 10:00 PM
  • Volunteer and receive concert access. Details below.

Volunteer Opportunities
Get the backstage tour and sign up to volunteer!

  • 12 hrs = Full delegate badge for all concert and events (must sign up before June 15)
  • 6 hrs = Receive a voucher for any 1 concert
  • 3 hrs = Receive a voucher for an afternoon Chorus or Ensemble Concert

Live Stream
Can’t attend the full Festival?
Purchase individual tickets and then add on a Festival Live Stream Pass for $35 to enjoy the rest of Festival during and after the event. All 2024 concerts will be available from the comfort of your own home!

Over the 40+ years of the LGBTQ+ Choral Movement, GALA Choruses have marked important moments for LGBTQ+ people. We remember the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus’s first public performance, singing on the steps of San Fancisco City Hall in 1978 at a vigil for the recently assassinated Horvey Milk. We remember our oldest member chorus Anna Crusis Feminist Choir of Philadelphia as they continue to sing for the rights of women and LGBTQ+ people everywhere. We remember the Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington, DC, singing outside the Superme Court when we won marriage equality in 2015. Perhaps most imporant are the ways our many choruses create welcoming LGBTQ+ sining communities in cities and towns all around the world. We are deeply grateful to local GALA member choruses One Voice Mixed Chorus, Calliope Women’s Chorus, and the Twin Cities Gay Men’s Chorus for welcoming us to the Twin Cities for Festival 2024!
Learn more at
You can also learn more about our movement from a recent video documenting the breadth of the LGBTQ+ Choral movement –


July 10, 2024

Daily, starting from Wednesday, July 10, 2024 – 00:00, until Sunday, July 14, 2024 – 23:00

12 a.m. to 5 a.m.


GALA Choruses Artistic Director Jane Ramseyer Miller conducts One Voice Mixed Chorus at Festival 2016 in Denver.

Guest Artists perform at GALA Choruses Festival 2016 in Denver (from left to right) Matt Alber, Melanie DeMore, and Holly Near.

The words “GALA Choruses, The Road to Festival” over a white background that fades into a crowd of happy singers from Festival 2016 in Denver.

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This article: GALA Choruses Festival 2024 has been curated from our friends at Explore Minnesota and the original in it's entirety can be found here: