Happy Raptor Distilling

Happy Raptor Distilling
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Happy Raptor Distilling does its best to keep business local. It sources molasses — rum’s key ingredient — from sugarcane processed in Assumption Parish. Its cocktails are made with locally sourced products as well.

Happy Raptor’s 504 Hibiscus, naturally, contains floral flavors, and is infused with flower petals, lime and spices. The 504 Silver is a straightforward white rum that is the perfect base for cocktails. The 504 Gold contains earthier flavors resulting from an infusion of American oak chips. And finally, as a nod to Happy Raptor’s local roots, there’s the 504 Bananas Foster rum. Infused with dehydrated bananas, vanilla, cinnamon and other spices, it’s a flavorful after-dinner drink. If you’re lucky and stop at the right time, you may be able to try a fifth rum – the seasonal 504 King Cake with notes of pecan, cinnamon, vanilla and orange peel.

Stop by the tasting room — which is family-friendly — to pick up a bottle of Happy Raptor’s rums and to try one of its quality cocktails.



This article: Happy Raptor Distilling has been curated from our friends at Explore Lousiana and the original in it's entirety can be found here: https://www.explorelouisiana.com/distilleries/happy-raptor-distilling

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