Louisiana Fur & Wildlife Festival

Louisiana Fur & Wildlife Festival
Anonymous (not verified)
The festival started its tradition in 1955 to promote its coastal heritage and honor the different industries, on a rotating basis, that have enabled Cameron Parish to thrive (Hunting & Wildlife, Oyster, Fishing, Crabbing, Cattle, Energy & Shrimp), as well as celebrate our claim to fame as a true Sportsman’s Paradise, where all who attend are exposed to true “southern hospitality.” From the grassroots group of organizers in 1955 came one of the oldest, coldest, and most successful festivals, the Louisiana Fur and Wildlife Festival, held every second weekend in January. Here we are 69 years later continuing the tradition, honoring the Fur & Alligator Industries (Trapping). The festival features pageants, food and crafts booths, a carnival, a parade, live entertainment, and an antique car showcase. The festival also features several competitions: gumbo cook-off, skeet shooting, nutria and muskrat skinning, dog trials, oyster shucking, trap setting, duck and goose calling, kids oyster races and a 5K run and 1-mile fun walk. The festival attracts many people throughout the festival weekend and has grown to be highlighted on National Geographic’s Geo-Tourism website and recognized as a Southeast Tourism Society Top Twenty Event. So, come to downtown Cameron on January 12 & 13, 2024 to dance the nights away, enjoy local cuisine and celebrate this festival’s rich history, where you are guaranteed to have an un”FUR”gettable time
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This article: Louisiana Fur & Wildlife Festival has been curated from our friends at Explore Lousiana and the original in it's entirety can be found here: https://www.explorelouisiana.com/events/festivals/louisiana-fur-wildlife-festival