Anonymous (not verified)

The course will be well marked. Flags are placed along the trail as “confidence markers” and arrows are placed to mark all turns.
One loop has approximately 125 feet of elevation gain and descent with the majority of the elevation being rolling hills on the blue trail. The trails still have plenty of technicality because of many roots, continuous twists and turns, and water crossings/ bridges. Its a great trail for people just coming into trail running, but still offers many challenges for trail veterans.
Dogs are allowed in the park as long as they are leashed. If you are found with your dog off leash, we will have to count you as a DNF. As much as we love dogs, this race is for you!
Headphones are allowed, however, the trails are mostly single track and are still open to hikers, bikers, and others not racing, be courteous of other people trying to enjoy the park.
Littering… Just don’t. We will have trash cans at the aid stations, and there are some along the trails that the park maintains.
Event Date
This article: NO MAN'S LAND TRAIL RUN has been curated from our friends at Explore Lousiana and the original in it's entirety can be found here: