What to Do on an Epic Fishing Trip to Lake of the Woods

What to Do on an Epic Fishing Trip to Lake of the Woods
Wed, 10/23/2024 – 14:14

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Basic tags
Simple meta tags.

The text to display in the title bar of a visitor’s web browser when they view this page. This meta tag may also be used as the title of the page when a visitor bookmarks or favorites this page, or as the page title in a search engine result. It is common to append ‘[site:name]’ to the end of this, so the site’s name is automatically added. It is recommended that the title is no greater than 55 – 65 characters long, including spaces.

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A brief and concise summary of the page’s content, preferably 150 characters or less. Where as the description meta tag may be used by search engines to display a snippet about the page in search results, the abstract tag may be used to archive a summary about the page. This meta tag is no longer supported by major search engines.

A comma-separated list of keywords about the page. This meta tag is no longer supported by most search engines.

Meta tags that might not be needed by many sites.

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A location’s two-letter international country code, with an optional two-letter region, e.g. ‘US-NH’ for New Hampshire in the USA.

A location’s formal name.

Geo-spatial information in ‘latitude, longitude’ format, e.g. ‘50.167958, -97.133185’; see Wikipedia for details.

DEPRECATED. Used to define this page’s language code. May be the two letter language code, e.g. “de” for German, or the two letter code with a dash and the two letter ISO country code, e.g. “de-AT” for German in Austria. Still used by Bing.

Provides search engines with specific directions for what to do when this page is indexed.

Use a number character as a textual snippet for this search result. “0” equals “nosnippet”. “-1” will let the search engine decide the most effective length.

Use a maximum of number seconds as a video snippet for videos on this page in search results. “0” will use a static a image. “-1” means there is no limit.

Set the maximum size of an image preview for this page in a search results.

Do not show this page in search results after the specified date

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Used for paginated content by providing URL with rel=’next’ link.

Used for paginated content by providing URL with rel=’prev’ link.

A comma-separated list of keywords about the page. This meta tag is used as an indicator in Google News.

Highlight standout journalism on the web, especially for breaking news; used as an indicator in Google News. Warning: Don’t abuse it, to be used a maximum of 7 times per calendar week!

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An image associated with this page, for use as a thumbnail in social networks and other services. This will be able to extract the URL from an image field if the field is configured properly.

Define the author of a page.

Details about intellectual property, such as copyright or trademarks; does not automatically protect the site’s content or intellectual property.

Indicate to search engines and other page scrapers whether or not links should be followed. See the W3C specifications for further details. Note: this serves the same purpose as the HTTP header by the same name.

This meta tag communicates with Google. There are currently two directives supported: ‘nositelinkssearchbox’ to not to show the sitelinks search box, and ‘notranslate’ to ask Google not to offer a translation of the page. Both options may be added, just separate them with a comma. See meta tags that Google understands for further details.

Used to rate content for audience appropriateness. This tag has little known influence on search engine rankings, but can be used by browsers, browser extensions, and apps. The most common options are general, mature, restricted, 14 years, safe for kids. If you follow the RTA Documentation you should enter RTA-5042-1996-1400-1577-RTA

The number of seconds to wait before refreshing the page. May also force redirect to another page using the format ‘5; url=https://example.com/’, which would be triggered after five seconds.

Tell search engines when to index the page again. Very few search engines support this tag, it is more useful to use an XML Sitemap file.

Used to control whether a browser caches a specific page locally. Not commonly used. Should be used in conjunction with the Pragma meta tag.

Control when the browser’s internal cache of the current page should expire. The date must to be an RFC-1123-compliant date string that is represented in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), e.g. ‘Thu, 01 Sep 2016 00:12:56 GMT’. Set to ‘0’ to stop the page being cached entirely.

Used to control whether a browser caches a specific page locally. Not commonly used. Should be used in conjunction with the Cache-Control meta tag.

Open Graph
The Open Graph meta tags are used to control how Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and other social networking sites interpret the site’s content.

The Facebook Sharing Debugger lets you preview how your content will look when it’s shared to Facebook and debug any issues with your Open Graph tags.

The word that appears before the content’s title in a sentence. The default ignores this value, the ‘Automatic’ value should be sufficient if this is actually needed.

A human-readable name for the site, e.g., IMDb.

The type of the content, e.g., movie.

Preferred page location or URL to help eliminate duplicate content for search engines, e.g., https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117500/.

The title of the content, e.g., The Rock.

A one to two sentence description of the content.

The URL of an image which should represent the content. The image must be at least 200 x 200 pixels in size; 600 x 316 pixels is a recommended minimum size, and for best results use an image least 1200 x 630 pixels in size. Supports PNG, JPEG and GIF formats. Should not be used if og:image:url is used. Note: if multiple images are added many services (e.g. Facebook) will default to the largest image, not specifically the first one. Multiple values may be used, separated by a comma. Note: Tokens that return multiple values will be handled automatically. This will be able to extract the URL from an image field if the field is configured properly.

The URL of an video which should represent the content. For best results use a source that is at least 1200 x 630 pixels in size, but at least 600 x 316 pixels is a recommended minimum. Object types supported include video.episode, video.movie, video.other, and video.tv_show. Multiple values may be used, separated by a comma. Note: Tokens that return multiple values will be handled automatically.

A alternative version of og:image and has exactly the same requirements; only one needs to be used. Multiple values may be used, separated by a comma. Note: Tokens that return multiple values will be handled automatically. This will be able to extract the URL from an image field if the field is configured properly.

The secure URL (HTTPS) of an video which should represent the content. Any URLs which start with “http://” will be converted to “https://”.

The secure URL (HTTPS) of an image which should represent the content. The image must be at least 200 x 200 pixels in size; 600 x 316 pixels is a recommended minimum size, and for best results use an image least 1200 x 630 pixels in size. Supports PNG, JPEG and GIF formats. Multiple values may be used, separated by a comma. Note: Tokens that return multiple values will be handled automatically. This will be able to extract the URL from an image field if the field is configured properly. Any URLs which start with “http://” will be converted to “https://”.

The type of image referenced above. Should be either ‘image/gif’ for a GIF image, ‘image/jpeg’ for a JPG/JPEG image, or ‘image/png’ for a PNG image. Note: there should be one value for each image, and having more than there are images may cause problems.

The type of video referenced above. Should be either video.episode, video.movie, video.other, and video.tv_show. Note: there should be one value for each video, and having more than there are videos may cause problems.

The height of the above video(s). Note: if both the unsecured and secured videos are provided, they should both be the same size.

The width of the above image(s). Note: if both the unsecured and secured images are provided, they should both be the same size.

The height of the above image(s). Note: if both the unsecured and secured images are provided, they should both be the same size.

The height of the above video(s). Note: if both the unsecured and secured videos are provided, they should both be the same size.

A description of what is in the image, not a caption. If the page specifies an og:image it should specify og:image:alt.

The length of the video in seconds

The date this content was last modified, with an optional time value. Needs to be in ISO 8601 format. Can be the same as the ‘Article modification date’ tag.

URLs to related content

The locale these tags are marked up in, must be in the format language_TERRITORY. Default is ‘en_US’.

Other locales this content is available in, must be in the format language_TERRITORY, e.g. ‘fr_FR’. Multiple values may be used, separated by a comma. Note: Tokens that return multiple values will be handled automatically.

Links an article to a publisher’s Facebook page.

The primary section of this website the content belongs to.

The date this content was last modified, with an optional time value. Needs to be in ISO 8601 format.

The date this content will expire, with an optional time value. Needs to be in ISO 8601 format.

Links a book to an author’s Facebook profile, should be either URLs to the author’s profile page or their Facebook profile IDs. Multiple values may be used, separated by a comma. Note: Tokens that return multiple values will be handled automatically.

The Book’s ISBN

The date the book was released.

Appropriate keywords for this content. Multiple values may be used, separated by a comma. Note: Tokens that return multiple values will be handled automatically.

The URL to an audio file that complements this object.

The secure URL to an audio file that complements this object. All ‘http://’ URLs will automatically be converted to ‘https://’. Any URLs which start with “http://” will be converted to “https://”.

The MIME type of the audio file. Examples include ‘application/mp3’ for an MP3 file.

The first name of the person who’s Profile page this is.

The person’s last name.

Any of Facebook’s gender values should be allowed, the initial two being ‘male’ and ‘female’.

Links to the Facebook profiles for actor(s) that appear in the video. Multiple values may be used, separated by a comma. Note: Tokens that return multiple values will be handled automatically.

A pseudonym / alias of this person.

The roles of the actor(s). Multiple values may be used, separated by a comma. Note: Tokens that return multiple values will be handled automatically.

Links to the Facebook profiles for director(s) that worked on the video. Multiple values may be used, separated by a comma. Note: Tokens that return multiple values will be handled automatically.

The date the video was released.

The TV show this series belongs to.

Tag words associated with this video. Multiple values may be used, separated by a comma. Note: Tokens that return multiple values will be handled automatically.

Links to the Facebook profiles for scriptwriter(s) for the video. Multiple values may be used, separated by a comma. Note: Tokens that return multiple values will be handled automatically.

A set of meta tags specially for controlling advanced functionality with Facebook.

The Facebook Sharing Debugger lets you preview how your content will look when it’s shared to Facebook and debug any issues with your Open Graph tags.

Facebook Instant Articles claim URL token.

A comma-separated list of Facebook user IDs of people who are considered administrators or moderators of this page.

A comma-separated list of Facebook Platform Application IDs applicable for this site.

Twitter Cards
A set of meta tags specially for controlling the summaries displayed when content is shared on Twitter.


  • no other fields are required for a Summary card
  • Photo card requires the ‘image’ field
  • Media player card requires the ‘title’, ‘description’, ‘media player URL’, ‘media player width’, ‘media player height’ and ‘image’ fields,
  • Summary Card with Large Image card requires the ‘Summary’ field and the ‘image’ field,
  • Gallery Card requires all the ‘Gallery Image’ fields,
  • App Card requires the ‘iPhone app ID’ field, the ‘iPad app ID’ field and the ‘Google Play app ID’ field,
  • Product Card requires the ‘description’ field, the ‘image’ field, the ‘Label 1’ field, the ‘Data 1’ field, the ‘Label 2’ field and the ‘Data 2’ field.

A description that concisely summarizes the content of the page, as appropriate for presentation within a Tweet. Do not re-use the title text as the description, or use this field to describe the general services provided by the website. The string will be truncated, by Twitter, at the word to 200 characters.

The page’s title, which should be concise; it will be truncated at 70 characters by Twitter. This field is required unless this the ‘type’ field is set to ‘photo’.

The @username for the website, which will be displayed in the Card’s footer; must include the @ symbol.

The numerical Twitter account ID for the website, which will be displayed in the Card’s footer.

The @username for the content creator / author for this page, including the @ symbol.

The numerical Twitter account ID for the content creator / author for this page.

By default Twitter tracks visitors when a tweet is embedded on a page using the official APIs. Setting this to ‘on’ will stop Twitter from tracking visitors.

The permalink / canonical URL of the current page.

The alternative text of the image being linked to. Limited to 420 characters.

The URL to a unique image representing the content of the page. Do not use a generic image such as your website logo, author photo, or other image that spans multiple pages. Images larger than 120x120px will be resized and cropped square based on longest dimension. Images smaller than 60x60px will not be shown. If the ‘type’ is set to Photo then the image must be at least 280x150px. This will be able to extract the URL from an image field if the field is configured properly.

The width of the image being linked to, in pixels.

The height of the image being linked to, in pixels.

If your application is not available in the US App Store, you must set this value to the two-letter country code for the App Store that contains your application.

The name of the iPhone app.

The iPhone app’s custom URL scheme (must include “://” after the scheme name).

String value, should be the numeric representation of your iPhone app’s ID in the App Store.

The name of the iPad app.

String value, should be the numeric representation of your iPad app’s ID in the App Store.

The iPad app’s custom URL scheme (must include “://” after the scheme name).

The name of the app in the Google Play app store.

Your app ID in the Google Play Store (i.e. “com.android.app”).

The Google Play app’s custom URL scheme (must include “://” after the scheme name).

The full URL for loading a media player, specifically an iframe for an embedded video rather than the URL to a page that contains a player. Required when using the Player Card type.

The width of the media player iframe, in pixels. Required when using the Player Card type.

The height of the media player iframe, in pixels. Required when using the Player Card type.

The full URL for an MP4 video (h.264) or audio (AAC) stream, takes precedence over the other media player field.

The MIME type for the media contained in the stream URL, as defined by RFC 4337.

This field expects a string, and you can specify values for labels such as price, items in stock, sizes, etc.

This field expects a string, and allows you to specify the types of data you want to offer (price, country, etc.).

This field expects a string, and you can specify values for labels such as price, items in stock, sizes, etc.

This field expects a string, and allows you to specify the types of data you want to offer (price, country, etc.).

Alternative language links (hreflang)
These meta tags are designed to point visitors to versions of the current page in other languages.

This should point to the version of the page that is for the main or primary locale, e.g. the original version of an article that is translated into other languages.

Revision information

Revisions are required.

Briefly describe the changes you have made.

Katie Cahn and Kendra Lilley’s first trip to the Walleye Capital of the World took the South Carolina-based anglers on a whirlwind tour of Minnesota, including stops at stellar restaurants, a convent that was converted into a boutique hotel, and the watery roots of the Mississippi River.

Here is how you can follow in the footsteps of the jam-packed itinerary that brought Katie and Kendra from Minneapolis’ award-winning airport to Lake of the Woods and back….

Willie the Walleye in Baudette

Willie the Walleye in Baudette



The communal feast at Union Hmong Kitchen

The communal feast at Union Hmong Kitchen 

/ Paul Vincent

Chef Yia Vang landed on the cover of Bon Appétit early in his career by honoring the dynamic Hmong dishes he grew up with. Take a tour of his entire Union Hmong Kitchen menu by crushing a communal feast that includes a whole fish marinated with lemongrass and grilled in banana leaves, house-made sausage, hunks of crispy chicken, and mounds of purple sticky rice, rice noodles, taro chips, fried Brussels sprouts, pickled veggies and complementary condiments.  

To get a better sense of the spices and ingredients that make Vang’s food special, look out for his long-awaited restaurant Vinai or head over to Hmongtown Marketplace. The latter is a sprawling food court / flea market with more than 100 shops and stalls that have more in common with a massive open-air marketplace overseas than anything you’d expect to find in the Midwest.  

Hmongtown Marketplace

Hmongtown Marketplace 

/ Paul Vincent

Chef Diane Moua — the former head of the heavenly pastry program at Spoon & Stable and Cooks | Bellecour — also channeled her Hmong upbringing into Diane’s Place, an all-day survey of Southeast Asia in Northeast Minneapolis’ Food Building. Serial entrepreneur Kieran Folliard (2 GINGERS Irish Whiskey, Kieran’s Irish PubThe Local) kickstarted the complex in 2014 as an incubator for local artisanal food makers like Baker’s Field Flour & Bread, Lowry Hill Provisions, and Alemar Cheese Co. 

Sample the best restaurants in Minneapolis and St. Paul.  



A bartender pours a cocktail at Celeste of St. Paul Hotel and Bar

Celeste of St. Paul Hotel and Bar

/ Paul Vincent

St. Agatha’s Conservatory of Music and Arts was converted into one of the Twin Cities’ hippest boutique hotels in 2019: Celeste of St. Paul, a Beaux Arts beauty that boasts 71 rooms and transportive design touches like hand-painted tiles, ornate trimming, and gorgeous stained-glass windows. Not to mention a studio apartment-sized chapel suite that’s perfect for progressive wedding parties and garnished with a garden tub, 18-foot ceilings, and a roomy dressing area where an altar once stood.  

Want to scope out the space without spending the night? Take a tour with Sister Celeste and swing by the hotel’s cocktail bar for a Bad Habit (tequila, bitter aperitivo, Prosecco, and grapefruit), Kneeler (rye, orange bitters, and crème de pêche), or a heady glass of Deacon Carl’s Holy Water (whiskey, bitters, and BroVo Spirits’ vibrant sweet vermouth).  

Look at other lodging options



StevenBe owner Steven Berg

StevenBe owner Steven Berg 

/ Paul Vincent

When a midlife crisis left Steven Berg mulling over his future in the fashion industry, the fiber artist decided to leave a high-level position at Munsingwear for a return to his fiber art roots. StevenBe Studio is more than just a yarn shop; it’s a source of inspiration for needle whisperers in search of satisfying projects.  

Whether you prefer crocheting or knitting, Berg’s shop — a renovated firehouse that’s been a lynchpin of the lively DIY craft scene for more than two decades — has a wide range of clothing and toy kits that’ll appeal to all skill levels. Keep things simple with a splashy top-down sock or spend the next month chipping away at a chunky sweater. It’s all here alongside spindles of yarn in nearly every color and weight imaginable.  

Shop at the Twin Cities’ best boutiques.  



Krewe chef Mateo Mackbee

Krewe chef Mateo Mackbee

/ Paul Vincent

The faithfully replicated family recipes of Chef Mateo Mackbee make his St. Joseph restaurant feel like it was airlifted straight from the streets of New Orleans. Start your Krewe experience off strong with cast-iron cornbread and creative house cocktails like a funky Old Fashioned made with ume plum whisky and yuzu bitters.  

The rest of the menu is full of NOLA favorites like crusty po’boys stuffed with Creole-fried catfish or Gulf shrimp the size of golf balls; smothered collard greens cut with caramelized onion and smoked turkey leg; and comforting bowls of gumbo that lean on the legacy of Mackbee’s grandfather. (He was the chef on a cargo ship that rounded the world regularly).   

Swing by at lunch to avoid the dinner rush and load up on fresh-baked pastries and pies (matcha chess pie with blueberry bursts, anyone?) at Flour & Flower, the small-but-mighty bakery of Krewe co-owner Erin Rae. Bad Habit Brewing is also right around the corner if you have a hankering for a hazy IPA, chocolate milk stout, or watermelon sour.  

Spend an entire day in St. Joseph and Collegeville.  



Shopping for antiques at Old Thyme Trading Post

Shopping for antiques at Old Thyme Trading Post

/ Paul Vincent

About an hour’s drive north of Krewe is the lofty horse statue that beckons road trippers to Old Thyme Trading Post. A blast from the past that’s been run by Judy Tryggeseth for nearly 50 years, it doubles as a destination for dusted-off vintage discoveries and classic ice cream sundaes, malts, cones and shakes.

Highly recommended for everyone from restless families to rabid “Antiques Roadshow” fans.  

Check out Minnesota’s best ice cream shops



Paul Bunyan and Babe in Bemidji

Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox stand guard in Bemidji 

/ Paul Vincent

Kodak once declared the iconic statues within Paul Bunyan Park the country’s most photographed roadside attraction right behind Mount Rushmore. From the first season of “Fargo” to the opening sequence of “National Lampoon’s Vacation”, the beloved Bemidji landmark has certainly been a mainstay within television shows and movies — as much a part of Minnesota’s DNA as Prince and The Replacements or The Mighty Ducks and Bob Dylan.  

Thanks to a federal grant and local fundraising efforts, they don’t look a day over 30 either. Pretty remarkable considering they were first installed back in the 1930’s. 

Spot the state’s best roadside attractions



Mississippi River Headwaters at Itasca State Park

Mississippi River Headwaters at Itasca State Park 

/ Paul Vincent

Thousands of international tourists travel to Itasca State Park every year so they can skip across rocks and stand right on the spot where the Mississippi River begins its 2,552-mile journey towards the Gulf of Mexico. Minnesota actually contains more of the Mississippi than any other state, including the river’s most wild stretches as it flows through Bemidji, several large lakes, and the Chippewa National Forest

The Mary Gibbs Visitor Center features exhibits on the river’s history right next to the headwaters. Also of note: Itasca’s status as Minnesota’s oldest state park (more than 130 years and counting!), with a widescreen footprint of 32,000 acres and grand lodging that’s similar in style to the lovely national park lodges that were built in the early 1900s. The park offers more than 220 campsites, as well as cabins, suites, and rooms at the historic Douglas Lodge and a hostel in the park’s former headquarters.  

Seek out six national park sites



A freshly caught fish at Arnesen's Rocky Point Resort on Lake of the Woods

A freshly caught fish on Lake of the Woods 

/ Paul Vincent

The open water fishing on Lake of the Woods is out of this world throughout the year — yes, even in winter, when ice fishing reigns supreme — but it really hits its stride in the summer. That’s when resorts like Arnesen’s Rocky Point offer guided fishing on charter boats that explain the difference between downriggers and depth finders and make the most of the lake’s more than 1 million acres. It takes less than 15 minutes to get from Arnesen’s sprawling marina to sun-dappled spots with schools of trophy-sized walleyes, saugers, perch, and Northern pike.  

In the words of Katie and Kendra, it’s both “very ocean-y here” and “pretty epic,” making Lake of the Woods one of the many hidden gems hiding in plain sight within Minnesota.  

If you fail to reel in a whopper, be sure to stop in Baudette on the way back from Lake of the Woods. Its Willie Walleye statue was originally made with about two tons of steel and plaster in 1959. When the small town’s weather got the best of Willie about 60 years later, a 40-foot fiberglass replica was put up in its place. Toast its timelessness in the first week of June, when Baudette devotes an entire festival to its unofficial mascot and what is truly the Walleye Capital of the World.  

Learn how to catch walleye.  



Northwest Angle Lake of the Woods

Lake of the Woods’ Northwest Angle 

/ Credit: Paul Vincent

While it’s technically surrounded by water and Canadian land, the Northwest Angle is considered the furthest point of the lower 48 states that separates the U.S. and Canada Reachable only by plane, boat, track vehicle or snowmobile — when Lake of the Woods is a frozen wonderland — the Northwest Angle is mostly undeveloped wilderness, with countless plants, trees, and animals coexisting in a place as peaceful and otherworldly as the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness or Voyageurs National Park.  

Landmarks include the incredibly remote Garden Island State Recreation Area and Angle Inlet. The latter is a village full of history buff hits, from a fully restored log fort used by French fur traders in the 1700s to the northernmost point marker and post office in the contiguous United States. When it comes to getting off the grid, there’s no better place to send a postcard.  

Get off the grid in Voyageurs National Park and the Boundary Waters



Phalen Regional Park's annual Lantern Festival

Phalen Regional Park’s annual Lantern Festival 

/ Paul Vincent

If you happen to be visiting Minnesota in the middle of the summer, it’s worth seeing if your dates overlap with St. Paul’s annual Water Lantern Festival. Happening towards the tail end of July, it revolves around the release of rice paper lanterns that are lit by reusable LED candles and covered in personal messages and a prevailing sense of positivity.  

If you’re not in Phalen Regional Park during its biggest event of the year, it’s still worth a look thanks to having one of the city’s largest lakes, miles of multi-purpose trails, and a large-scale replica of an 18th century pavilion that was shipped from China’s Hunan province to St. Paul. Changsha — St. Paul’s sister city overseas — received five Peanuts statues in return, including a version of Lucy in Hmong clothing and Snoopy on a doghouse adorned with two of Minnesota’s favorite things: loons and trees.   

Visit 10 of the nearly 12,000 lakes in Minnesota, and check out more Star of the North itineraries, including road trips to the Iron Range and Grand Marais.  

Line illustration

This article: What to Do on an Epic Fishing Trip to Lake of the Woods has been curated from our friends at Explore Minnesota and the original in it's entirety can be found here: https://www.exploreminnesota.com/what-to-do-epic-fishing-trip-to-lake-woods

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