
USA Powerlifting Collegiate Nationals

USA Powerlifting Collegiate Nationals Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 08/16/2024 – 16:00 Wed, 04/08/2026 – 00:00 Sun, 04/12/2026 – 23:59 Get Directions USA Powerlifting, established in 1981 as the American Drug Free Powerlifting Association, Inc, is the leading drug-tested powerlifting organization in the United States. Distinct from weightlifting, a sport made

Snapshot Saturdays: Preserving Historic Structures: The Lindbergh Ice House

Snapshot Saturdays: Preserving Historic Structures: The Lindbergh Ice House Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 08/14/2024 – 16:25 Every second Saturday of the month, October-April, the Charles Lindbergh House and Museum will host a virtual free, program on its Facebook page. Join project manager Ali Wysopal, and other Minnesota Historical Society staff,

Snapshot Saturdays: A WWI Christmas

Snapshot Saturdays: A WWI Christmas Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 08/14/2024 – 16:25 Live program from the Lindbergh Historic House! Learn what the holiday season was like for Charles Lindbergh growing up in central Minnesota during WWI. Speaker: Site Staff 86faa06b57561249e0c4f1e644812ff16648e2ac.jpg November 09, 2024 7 p.m. to 2 p.m. 1 November

Natural Dye Demo

Natural Dye Demo Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 08/14/2024 – 14:25 Join Historic Forestville to gather natural elements from around Forestville and dye fabric. Use onion skins, black walnuts, and a number of other natural ingredients to dye skeins of fiber. Clothing comes in a variety of color from blue, purple,

Naturally 7

Naturally 7 Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 08/14/2024 – 14:25 The hills are alive with the sound of… Naturally 7! The boys are going to the movies to produce some of the greatest movie music in their own amazing style.  Stunning! Sensational! Fantastic! Those are just a few of the reactions


ST. PAUL PETERSON 60TH BIRTHDAY BASH Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 08/14/2024 – 14:25 An unforgettable evening celebrating the sixtieth birthday of music legend St. Paul Peterson. This special event will be a retrospective journey through six decades of jazz, funk, R&B and rock and roll. Additionally, it will showcase

The Draft Horse Experience

The Draft Horse Experience Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 08/14/2024 – 13:25 Participants will get a hands-on, 90-minute experience with our horses. Participants will assist in preparing the horses for a day’s work including grooming and harnessing. You’ll be able to get to know our big, gentle draft horses. A trolley

Wonders of the Night Sky

Wonders of the Night Sky Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 08/14/2024 – 13:25 Make the stars your old friends as we watch the great celestial show in the skies over Grand Rapids. We start with a short orientation followed by quality time outside under the heavens. Get to know some constellations

Berks County Heritage Center

Berks County Heritage Center Image ellie-anderson Wed, 08/14/2024 – 12:51 Berks County Heritage Center Der Distelfink will greet you as you enter The Berks County Heritage Center, a historic park within the Berks County Park System. It encompasses the Gruber Wagon Works, the C. Howard Hiester Canal Center, Wertz’s Covered